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All Safety Quotes

Construction worker holding a white hard hat while wearing thick working gloves.
Three men walking through warehouse, white hard hats, orange safety vests.
Blue storage container doors closed.
Dark mountains against a purple sky.
Warehouse, male and female employee, yellow safety vests.
Train tracks headed into distance, blue sky, white clouds, bright yellow sun.
Old metal helmet, hand dolly, and red jacket.
Back of electricians jacket, hard hat.
Close up of man using a box cutting knife.
Silhouette of lone construction worker on a yellow and orange sunset.
Two construction hard hats sitting on a table in a construction work site with one brightly colored yellow.
Construction worker standing in front of an excavation machine.
Tree with no leaves in wintry backdrop.
A group of 5 smiling workers standing in a warehouse.
Interior of warehouse, large dock bay garage door.